Monthly Archives: August 2024

Researchers Can Predict Divorce with 94% Accuracy Based on This Communication Error
Is there some secret formula for the success of a marriage? Today, about 40% of all first marriages end in divorce. The numbers are even higher for second and third marriages. To explore the key to a “long-lasting” relationship, John Gottman, Ph.D., a relationship and marriage researcher and therapist, cofounded The Gottman Institute with… Read More »

Appeals Court Decides Complicated Case Involving Religious Invalidation of Marriage
In the case of T.I. v. R.I., the court was called upon to determine if the parties’ marriage was recognized in the State of New York even though the parties never obtained a civil marriage license. To make matters more complicated, a religious tribunal annulled the religious marriage at the request of the husband… Read More »

How Does Adultery Affect the Divorce Process in New York State?
Any individual who is seeking a divorce in New York State must explain to the court the reason for their marriage’s dissolution. In New York, infidelity or adultery can be grounds for divorce. If your spouse has been unfaithful, and you want to divorce them, you should discuss the infidelity with your attorney. A… Read More »

Understanding Domestic Relations Law § 170
Divorce is the process by which a marriage is terminated. Since marriage is a legal relationship, when a couple decides they no longer want to stay married, one or both parties must file paperwork with the Supreme Court of New York asking that it grant the divorce. The legal process for ending a marriage… Read More »