Setting Up a Successful Parenting Plan

Navigating the complexities of co-parenting after a divorce is challenging. Your life will change in ways that you’ve yet to anticipate. You and your former spouse will have to sit down and discuss issues such as visitation schedules and custody arrangements for your children. If you and your former spouse cannot reach an agreement, the court will have to decide on your behalf. It’s an emotionally exhausting and stressful experience that can be made easier if you and your spouse both have your hearts in the right place. In this article, the Rockland County divorce lawyers at The Law Offices of Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. will discuss tips for setting up a successful and effective parenting plan.
Enhanced communication
Today, parents can use their smartphones to coordinate with their co-parents. No one can afford to drop the ball when it comes time to pick a child up from daycare or drop them off at their home. Modern technology, once again, has an answer. Several paid apps are available for purchase and some free ones too. These apps provide features such as a shared calendar, a message board, an expense log, and even a journal. The apps keep records of all communications between parents fostering civility and coordination. You can even take these communications before the judge if they become abusive.
These apps were specifically designed for parents who are on less than amicable terms with their co-parents. They can help you successfully create and execute a parenting plan that coordinates times, dates, and expenses.
Establish consistent rules
Consistency is key to providing stability for your children. Try to collaborate with your co-parent to establish consistent rules across both households. This ensures that the children understand what you expect of them regardless of where they are. You’ll want to respect each other’s boundaries and parenting styles. Recognize that circumstances could change and be willing to adapt your parenting plan accordingly.
Put the children first
The court will only ratify a parenting plan it believes is in the best interests of the children. As a co-parent, you will want to prioritize your children’s best interests as well. Consider their age, school schedules, extracurricular activities, and emotional needs when designing the parenting plan. You’ll want to maintain a positive and cooperative relationship with your former spouse for the well-being of the children. You can do this by fostering a supportive and respectful co-parenting dynamic. Avoid criticizing or alienating your children from the other parent.
Talk to a Rockland County, New York Family Law Attorney Today
The Law Offices of Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. represent the interests of parents who are attempting to create a parenting plan during their divorce proceedings. We have helped hundreds of parents create parenting plans that reflect the best interests of their children. Call our Westchester County family lawyers today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin discussing your next steps right away.